One day we found that our basement apartment had grown a little stuffy. After reading that Gerbera daisies are excellent at cleaning the air, we promptly purchased a yellow daisy for the corner of the room... and then a pink daisy... and then a majesty palm... and then some ivy... and so on until we had two rooms full of plants including fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers growing in soil, soilless mixes, hydroponics, and aquaponics.

This is the story of our garden and how it grew in a basement apartment from a single yellow daisy.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Hydro & Soilless Plants

2-3 foot (1 month old) Yellow pear cherry Tomatoes in deep water culture hydroponics. First blooms about to open. Soon tomatoes cages will be required.

Dwarf clementine and leafless Meyer lemon in soilless gritty mix with drip irrigation on a timer. I am hoping that the lemon with put out new leaves soon now that its in a warmer place with more reliable light, water, and nutrient supplies.

One of zucchini and spaghetti squash starters nearly ready for hydro. They will be trained up a trellis against the wall to save space. Watermelon seeds are coming and will be done in the same manner.

A sucker from the lemon that we are trying to root. It should be a palmello.

Strawberries, pink lemonade blueberry plant, and frost bitten mulberry tree under intense grow light (camera trying to compensate). Blueberry and mulberry will go into soilless setups this weekend after a trip to the local hydro store.

Close up of the pink lemonade blueberry plant with its new green leaves emerging!

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